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Veterinary Assistant



Veterinary Assistant


Marta radiates kindness from the inside out! Our patients always feel safe with her and we think she is a great fit to our Mountain Ridge Animal Hospital team!

Marta recalls taking an interest in working with animals due to her love for animal behavior. She expressed that it is so special and important to be able to help those who cannot speak words. We love that and could not agree more with her!  Marta comes to us from Hudson, Wisconsin. She has 3 dogs, 1 cat, and a Leopard Gecko. The dogs names are Scout (pictured) , Lily, and Koda. Her cats name is Triscuit, and her geckos name is Enzo! Marta’s hobbies include dog training, nordic (skate) skiing & skijoring, rock climbing, hiking, inline skating and baking.

Tidbits & Trifles:

“The perfect match”: She has the same number of letters in her full name as there is in the alphabet!

 “Brrr!” : She enjoys winter camping, and the coldest temperature she has slept in outside, was -20 F !!

“Marta in the Middle ”  : She has an older brother and an older sister, and a younger brother and a younger sister, so she is truly a pure middle child! 

A Day in the Life:

What is your favorite part about your job?”

“When I first got into vet med, I immediately took to all of the fearful and misunderstood dogs. Nothing is more rewarding than to see a dog making progress with their fears. I love making friends with those who play hard to get! “