Mountain Ridge Animal Hospital
Physical Exams and Wellness Care
Physical exams and wellness care are crucial parts of maintaining your pet’s health at every life stage. Regular exams not only let us get to know your pets (and let them get comfortable with us!), but they also help us establish a baseline for your pet’s health.

When we see your pets regularly, we’re more likely to be able to spot potential medical issues early, before they become too bothersome.
Wellness care will be different for every single pet that visits Mountain Ridge Animal Hospital, as every animal has different needs. Please be sure to arrive on time for your pet's appointment, so that we have adequate time with your pet to assess them. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your pet's scheduled appointment, we will need you to reschedule. Once your pet's exam begins, we will address issues and suggest care specific to your pet's breed and age.
During physical exams, we’ll ask you questions about your pet’s behavior, eating habits and regular activities at home. We can use this time to address any specific concerns you may have, too. Physical examinations also let us note any changes, such as weight gain or loss, that you may not notice otherwise.
We may recommend the following during physical exams as part of your pet’s wellness care:
Updating vaccines
Diagnostic testing, like a complete blood count or urinalysis, to identify potential underlying issues
Dental exams
Radiographs (x-rays)
Before your pet’s next exam at Mountain Ridge Animal Hospital, take note of the type of food you provide, how much they eat, if they’ve had any recent personality changes and any other concerns you may want to address.
To schedule a physical exam for your pet and establish regular wellness care, contact your Mountain Ridge Animal Hospital veterinarian today.